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National TVET Strategy 2023-2027

A unified TVET strategy follows the inner logic of a consistent and feasible TVET system. It integrates binding in all parts of the TVET system in the labour sector. It will ensure options for the articulation of students within the entire educational system on the basis of comparable levels and accreditation of graduation certificates within the Jordan National Qualifications Framework (JNQF). Providing vertical and lateral channels between different learning streams of formal and non-formal TVET and link them to those in the higher education track as well, so that all learning patterns form an integrated system that allows learners to move from one stream to the other according to specific criteria and enabling Lifelong Learning (LLL).

Governing Principles for the Jordan National TVET Strategy (JNTS)

The National Strategy for Human Resource Development 2025 clearly stated five key principles that provide a framework for the outcomes that the system should deliver for its stakeholders at every stage of the education and learning journey. This TVET Strategy follows the exact same principles which are: Access, Quality, Accountability, Innovation and Mindset.


All learners have fair access to quality education, training, and equal opportunities at every stage of their education journey and reach a minimum level of attainment regardless of their background, gender, disability, or individual needs. Every learner has a fair chance to pursue the pathways best suited for them based on their performance, capability, and passion.


Our system strives to provide world-class experiences and outcomes for all involved. It aligns with the needs of the local and global economy. It is globally respected and meets, if not exceeds, international standards through accreditation, certification, and quality assurance. We continually monitor ourselves to identify and implement improvements.


The regulation of our system is based on a transparent set of rules for decision-making. We empower institutions to take responsibility for their performance through delegating responsibilities and devolved, local decision-making. Setting SMART targets and regular reporting supports us in holding all stakeholders accountable for their respective responsibilities. Learners are accountable for doing their best and using the resources and information available to find suitable pathways.


Our system delivers the outcomes needed through innovative and creative approaches and the thoughtful use of technology. We identify innovative ideas around the world and adapt them to meet our unique needs in Jordan. We use international and public-private partnerships and innovative approaches to financing to do more with less. We make the most of our successes through shared practice and learning across the system.


Our system instils our national values in our learners, honours our heritage, and promotes unity in our citizenry. The parents and communities of our learners are engaged and involved with their educational institutions, creating a wide support network which promotes the value of education, lifelong learning, and being productive members of society and the economy.

Beside those five governing principles, this strategy will give great focus to fostering youth employment and entrepreneurship, promoting equity and gender equality, and facilitating the transition to green economies and sustainable societies.

Vision of JNTS

“A sustainable and innovative TVET system that fosters self-employment, produces a skilled and diverse workforce, and supports Jordan’s economic, social, and environmental development.”

Mission of JNTS

“Our mission is to position TVET as a means of empowering the Jordanian people by enhancing the structure and performance of the TVET system to better meet the evolving socio-economic needs, with a focus on enhancing youth employability and bolstering competitiveness.

We aspire to build a flexible, high-quality, competitive, agile, and innovative TVET system that supports self-employment, cultivates a diverse and highly skilled workforce, and promotes sustainable economic, social, and environmental development in Jordan and the broader regional and international community. We strive to achieve this by implementing good business practices and fostering an enabling policy environment.”

Strategic Objectives of JNTS

The main objective of the strategy is to promote skills acquisition, enhance the governance, quality, and relevance of the TVET systems to equip all youth and adults with the skills required for employment, decent work, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning.

This Strategy has three main pillars:

–  Pillar 1: Improving governance and institutional development

–  Pillar 2: Enhancing quality and relevance of TVET provisions

–  Pillar 3: Facilitating the transition to employment

The outcomes of those three pillars represent the key objectives of the strategy as indicated in the Triple “8”s Plan.