The governance of the TVET system is rational and performs coherently with clear leadership, participation, partnerships, and transparency, and through well-established and capable institutions.

1.1 Review and Enhance TVET Legislation
In Jordan, there are several players involved in TVET delivery, resulting in a somewhat disintegrated and distorted ecosystem. Therefore, the TVET sector in Jordan is regulated by a set of laws, bylaws, and regulations that are affecting directly or indirectly the legislation framework. Some of them are conflicting and most of them need review and amendments.
This Programme contains projects and activities related to the review of all TVET and skills laws, bylaws and regulations and propose recommendations for amendments where required to avoid overlap and clearly identify the authority of powers to each stakeholder.

1.2 Develop a Multi-level Governance for TVET Sector
In order to ensure the participatory approach in governing the TVET system a new National Multi-level Governance model will be adopted to ensure the harmonization of all TVET stakeholders and guarantee synergy and alignment in all TVET programs and interventions. Multi-level governance system distributes power and authority where various public organisations and private actors at several territorial and institutional levels interact towards achieving a unified bigger goal.
This Programme contains projects and activities related to the review of the governance structure of the key TVET stakeholders namely (TVSDC, MoE, BAU, AQACHEI, MoL, and MoHESR). Propose recommendations for development based on the legal review results (Programme 1 outputs). This will allow a smooth management of the TVET sector among key stakeholders towards achieving the sector’s goals.

1.3 Business Process Re-engineering
Business Process Reengineering involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, cycle times and quality. Based on the results of the first two programmes, a business process re-engineering is required to make sure that all key stakeholders in TVET sector have the capabilities and the resources to achieve their roles and responsibilities within their governance level.
This programme contains all projects and activities related to the business process re-engineering and organizational restructuring of the key players in the TVET sector in Jordan.

1.4 Empower Sector Skills Councils (PPP)
National Sector Skills Councils are permanent employer-led bodies that represent platforms for dialogue in which the government, business, civil society, and the learning sector come together to discuss challenges and create a TVET system that is orientated towards the needs of the labour market. They provide bridges between the labour market and the education and training systems to improve the matchmaking and reduce the gap between demand and supply in the labour market.
This Programme contains projects and activities related to the establishment of sector skills councils and support their sustainability including technical and financial support, subject matter experts, and capacity building to NSSCs personnel.

1.5 Apply Jordan National Qualifications Framework (JNQF)
A National Qualifications Framework is a formalized system that outlines qualifications and serves as a policy for regulating the education and training sectors. It consolidates quality-assured qualifications from various sectors into a unified framework, improving the accessibility and comprehensibility of national qualifications. This framework facilitates lifelong learning and enhances workers’ and learners’ mobility between countries.
A Qualifications Framework defines and describes the learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge, skills and competences, which characterize awards and qualifications at different levels; defines the relationship between levels and indicates how a learner may progress from one level to another; and finally positions certain key qualifications (major award-types) at the levels appropriate to them.
Therefore, educational institutions must design their curricula to yield clearly defined learning outcomes that align with the corresponding qualification level descriptors. Thus, the quality assurance and evaluation of educational programs should be predicated on evaluating the learning outcomes rather than input factors such as teachers, curricula, and materials. This approach ensures that education systems are student-cantered, rather than teacher-cantered, and prioritize student learning over other considerations.
This programme includes projects and activities related to the application of Jordan National Qualifications Framework (JNQF). This acompasses developing a framework for permeability to facilitate smooth movement between different learning, and developing a framework for the recognition of prior learning (RPL) all their related operational and working

1.6 Develop and apply a National Framework for Work-based Learning (WBL)
Work-based learning (WBL) is an educational approach or instructional methodology that provides students with real-life work experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills and develop their employability. WBL could have several learning strategies or modalities such as Apprenticeship, Internship, Mentorship, Dual studies, Cooperative education, school-based enterprise, Service learning and others. Many of those modalities are applied in Jordan but there is no unified definitions or national framework for each approach. WBL is aiming at a win-win situation where the learner’s needs and the industry requirement for skilled and talented employees both are met.
Work-based learning gives people an opportunity to immerse themselves in a particular field and interact with professionals who have worked in it for years, and it produces skills that are likely to be more up to date with current practices in the workplace. This type of experience can help people make decisions about their long-term career goals. It also helps to strengthen cooperation between education and business, and to create strong links between vocational education and the real demands of the labour market. Additionally, involving employers in designing and managing VET increases their confidence in the system.
This programme contains all projects and activities related to the development of a National Framework for work-based learning in Jordan, and the implementation of WBL different modalities.

1.7 Develop TVET Projects Mapping Platform
In light of Jordan’s increasing unemployment levels, donors have been increasingly allocating funds for employment and vocational education and training programs in Jordan in order to bolster the labour market and create employment opportunities. From this emerges a need to understand donor funding in the TVET sector in a comprehensive manner; this includes classifying donors by type of intervention, geographic coverage, and main sectors of work and in accordance with the national TEVT reform plan. As developing such an understanding will aid in coordinating the efforts of agencies and programmes to avoid duplication of work, thus resulting in a greater benefit for the Jordanian community.
This Programme contains projects and activities related to the development of an online platform for TVET projects mapping that are supported by different partners and donors.

1.8 Develop a Green TVET Strategy
Green Skills are Skills for sustainability. They are the technical skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes needed in the workforce to develop and support sustainable social, economic, and environmental outcomes in business, industry, and the community.
This Programme contains all projects and activities related to ensure skills for sustainability are an integral part of all TVET provisions and are relevant to the needs of industry including a) Embedding skills for sustainability practice and teaching in TVET, within the requirements of the national regulatory framework ( JNQF); b) Upskilling of VET instructors and teachers to deliver skills for sustainability; and c) Strategic review of Training Packages to embed sustainability knowledge, skills and principles in them.